
What does it mean to dream with grasshopers?

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I had a dream were i was at my house sleeping, and when i woke up in the dream, a lot of grasshopers started to get into peoples houses, including mine, the house was completely full of grasshopers and then i started kicking and throwing them into the lake...what does it mean to dream with grasshopers?




  1. To see a grasshopper in your dream, symbolizes freedom,  independence or spiritual enlightenment. Alternatively, it indicates your inability to settle down or commit to a decision.

  2. Hi, there!  It's not really my place to interpret your dream for you--that would be presumptuous of me--but I can suggest what it would mean to me if it were my dream.

    The first thing that came to my mind was the Biblical "plague of locusts." Locusts are a kind of grasshopper.  (See Recently, I thought about "plague of locusts," since the U.S. has been getting almost everything else--flooding, fires. I was wondering when the locusts would show up, you know? Well, here they are, getting "into people's houses, including mine." So, it's definitely time for me to wake up, because I've got work to do to correct something that's about to get out of hand.

    There are some good books about dreams and how we can use them in empowering ways.  Dream dictionaries are very arbitrary.  They're not enough about you, specifically, to help you.  But there are a lot of interesting techniques that will help you take your own dreams more seriously and work with them creatively and productively.  And it's fun!

    Look for books by Patricia Garfield, Robert Moss, and others. You can find good resources online, too.

    Best of luck!

  3. find a dream dictionary on google

    this one is really good

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