
What does it mean to get hit by a huge tidal wave and drown in your dream that is.?

by  |  earlier

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I don't even live by the ocean!!!




  1. It means you feel overwhelmed in your life by what is the most flexable to you.

  2. it means your subconscious mind thinks you are dealing with problems too big for you to solve on your own or forces outside your control.

  3. If someone close to you will throw a glass of water on you during this dream....well????

  4. It probably means you feel you have no control over your problems

  5. You are caught in a wave of very strong emotions.

  6. You're probably going to experience some very strong emotions in the not too distant future.  They will overwhelm you.  That 's my best educated guess.

  7. I think it means you are over whelmed...

    You may need to take some time out to relax!

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