
What does it mean to have Cancer Midheaven but sun in the tenth house?

by Guest32941  |  earlier

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  1. Hello Danger

    Cancer is a water sign which gives the person capacity to adapt to fluctuating circumstances in their career. This type would be considered a "go-getter".

    The person's choices are usually shaped by family background and traditions and often, the mother is the dominant parent.

    Sun in 10th or Midheaven (same thing) shows success through the public and a strong desire to succeed. It shows where you shine best. Cancer in 10th suggest works in the area of real estate, architecture, interior design, even hotel services, working with children, and psychological counseling.

    One final note, Sun is very strong in the 10th and gives the need for power but does not always bestow the ability to handle the responsibilities of power wisely.

    edit...Danger.....Sun in the 10th always gives rise to success. That is the only element that you posted. Your Moon placement and its aspects would reveal outside influence and the quality of this influence.

    Capricorn is in your 4th and I can see that you have the sense of responsibility early in life. It also shows that you feel comfortable and at ease when expressing yourself. I have often seen a missing parent, or the absence of a parent with this configuration.

    edit....5th house, Libra, Venus, Neptune, Uranus  are strong indicators for a musical career . Leo strong would indicate more an acting career.

  2. No more than if your sun didn't have a House! Astrology can run your life,just don't let it ruin your life!

  3. First it would help to understand the concepts.

    - ASCENDANT = eastern most zodiac point

    - MIDHAVEN = northern most zodiac point

    - DESCENDANT = western most zodiac point

    - NADIR = southern most zodiac point.

    For example, my ascendant degree is about 1 degree Capricorn. This means that my exact midhaven is 1 degree of Virgo. My exact descendant is 1 degree Cancer. My exact nadir is 1 degree Aries.

    These are simply points of extreme power. Any planet getting close to these degrees would be a phenomenally important part of a person's life.

    Also, now, every house has it's "heart" so to speak at 1 degree in my chart.

    Since Cancer is the sign of your midhaven (10th house), Virgo is your ascendant. More significant that the placement of the sun, therefore is the placement of Mercury - the lord of Virgo. Of next importance is the placement of the Moon, and of third imporance is the placement of the Sun.

    The 10th House is the place of ACTION: career and activities in the world. Success in the world of action. These are connected with the 10th House.

    The SUN is the planet of leadership, and identity. It is also a burning influence which causes cancer (hahahaha, ok, just a joke) but it is a burning influence which harms other planets it aspects or conjoins. Take note of these.

    These taken together: Your identity is closely linked with your career and your social standing. You seek a leadership position in the workplace and in society.

    You have to read this IN CONTEXT of parameters set by your ascendant ruler Mercury and the Moon, and also you need to note the "nakshatras" or individual stars that the planets are placed in (this is a Vedic method).

    Finally you have to note that Sun in Cancer puts your inner self (cancer is the moon's sign) into close union with your outer self (sun). People with this placement are very often easily moved to tears and other emotional displays. Consider that Cancer is Water and the Sun is fire. There will be some frustration therefore in your career. It is not the perfect placement, but it is a good one for career advancement.

  4. It means that tacos are tasty

  5. This is a great star situation to have and you will find that many of the world's great businessman have this. You are willing to sacrifice others and yourself to succeed in whatever job or activity you partake in. In someone is doing something wrong you will tell them and most likely take control which means you are probably suited to more sole roles.

  6. Where is the moon?The ruler of your mid-heaven?Cancer mid heaven can not be considered by itself.The ruler of the mid-heaven and any aspects to the mid haven and ruler need to be considered along with the essential dignities.Usually cancer in mid heaven points to someone who approaches their vocation or public relations with  feeling.Very perceptive imaginative and maybe a bit sensitive to the criticisms of the public.Jung was half right.The sun in the tenth certainly does show a creative flair,some one who has a deep imagination and someone who responds to others and the changes of lifes events.But the mistake was look to the sun.Sun adds to the picture.But to look at the persons talents and skills you would refer to the ruler of the mid-heaven and also by finding the strongest planet by finding the alumuten, Arabic meaning (strong in power) which means finding the planet with the strongest dignities.This planet points out the strongest attributes the person posesses be it applied to career or just being a hobby.

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