
What does it mean to have a -credit card balance?

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What does it mean to have a -credit card balance?




  1. A credit card balance is an amount that is owed by you for charges on your credit card.......minus any payments you have made that has been received.

  2. If you mean I have a credit balance than more was paid than what was owed...if you don't spend it by a certain amount of time, they will refund it to you via check....

    If you mean I have a credit card balance, then you owe the credit card people money...

  3. It means you paid more than the total balance on your account. It's basically a credit.

  4. A credit card balance is the opposite of a credit. A credit card balance is a debt. It means that you paid for something with your credit card, and now you have a balance that you owe the financial institution. A credit card balance is the amount that you owe for your purchases. A balance is a debt.

    A negative credit card balance is a credit. It means you paid more than what you owed. If your credit limit is 500 dollars, your balance is 10 dollars, and you make a 20 dollar payment, then your balance is -10 dollars, so now you have a credit limit of 510 dollars.

  5. You overpaid your credit card bill.

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