
What does it mean to have a dream more than once?

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Okay, I've had this dream two different times. When I'm dreaming I am watching the whole thing.

My dream is about Me and my three friends trying to get through this obstacle in another dimension. So pretty much we are trying to get out of this place alive. There were three challenges. The first challenge was this evil clown and One of my friends Made friends with the clown.And we beat the challenge, but the clown was still sort of evil. So we went on to the next challenge. We got through that one but then it came to the last challenge. A little kid was burning in a car and all the doors were locked. I was panicking but I couldn't do anything because I was watching the dream and technically to all my friends and the clown, I wasn't even there. Then the clown " I cant remember what the other two "challenges" were (the clown really stuck out in my head), decided to save the little kid for us. So the evil witch thing got pissed of and she dissapeared cause we got out of the challenge. Things started dissapearing and so everyone was thanking the clown for helping, and all of a sudden his body was dissapearing too (cause he was apart of the obstacle i guess) but his spirit/soul separated from his body and his spirit looked different than he did. It was a nice looking clown instead of his actual grungy, dirty, scary body. What in the h**l does this mean? Ive had this dream twice. And they weren't one after another. It happened like two weeks after the first one.




  1. dreams dont mean **** u just thought of a similar thing doesnt matter

  2. it means that some part of that dream will come true or maybe not the same part but the same in a different way haha if that made sense hope i helped.....:D

  3. you haven't. its mind control. you think you have but you really haven't. plus its immpossible to have de jah vu in a dream

  4. maybe its gunna happen to you in a....a slightly...diff setting lolxz

  5. its called a recurring dream.

    can tell you what different symbols in your dreams mean.

  6. it doesn't really mean anything i don't think

  7. well i also have dreams that repeat more than once and its scary cuze they say that dreams either come true or they happened already. were u watching anything or talking about anything that had to do with a clown or obsticles??

    cuze sometimes if i think about something that night it usually ends up in my dream...


    i use that when i have a weird dream.

    :::Recurring Dreams:::

    Most dreams contain messages that serve to teach us something about ourselves. Unfortunately many a times we forget what we dream about as we go about our daily routine. With recurring dreams, the message may be so important and/or powerful that it just will not go away. The frequent repetition of such dreams forces you to pay attention and confront the dream.   The dream is trying desperately to tell you something.  Such dreams are often nightmarish or frightening in their content, which also helps you to take notice and pay attention to them.

    Recurring dreams are quite common and are often triggered by a certain life situation or a problem that keeps coming back again and again. These dreams may recur daily, once a week, or once a month, but whatever the frequency, there is little variation in the dream content itself. It usually points to a personal weakness, fear, or your inability to cope with something in your life - past or present.

    The repetitive patterns in your dream can reveal some of the most valuable information on yourself. It may point to a conflict, situation or matter in your waking life that remains unresolved or unsettled.  Or some urgent underlying message in your unconscious is demanding to be understood.  

    Following are some tips in overcoming your recurring dreams.  

    1. In understanding your recurring dream, you must be willing to accept some sort of change or undergo a transformation.

    2. You must be willing to look within yourself and confront whatever you may find no matter how difficult it my be.

    3. You must be able to look at the dream from an objective point of view. Try to get pass the emotional and reactive elements of the dream and get down to the symbolic images. Many times dreams are masked by elements that are disturbing preventing you to delve any deeper. This is a  defense mechanism that your unconscious may be putting up.

    4. Be patient. Do not get discourage if these dreams still recur even after you thought you have come to understand them.

    5. Learn to accept yourself truly and fully.

    Often times, once you discover what your recurring dream is trying to tell you, these dreams will change or altogether disappear.

  9. its going to become a reality  

  10. it's something in to u really r u looking for a job or do you have a hard test coming up? it's something like that! try to solve the problem is it a open friend test! or open book? ask your friends if they have the same dream if they do it might be something between you guys that goes wrong! so make it right!

  11. I Have Dreams more than once alot too. it's normal.

  12. Nothing. Happens to me all the time. xD

  13. Im  not sure what your dream is about but I found a site for when i had some weird dreams

  14. Dreams are always about you.  The meaning of different things happening in your dream can be different.

    Clowns are something many people are scared of, and your friend becoming friends with this clown can have different meanings.  The fact that the clown is evil makes me think you are worried about your friend and something he is doing or you expect him to do.

    The kid trapped in the car is probably you.  The fire means danger, and the clown saving you shows your expectations for change.  

    The three challenges stand for a decision you are going to make.  

    My guess: You have a big change in your life coming up, and you are worried about your friends and the decisions they are making.  Those changes in your friends are scarying you, but you expect them to be there when you need them.

    I hope this helps.

  15. I had a dream about me bouncing on my butt through the woods like, 5 times. It meant nothing! Lol

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