
What does it mean to have no life?

by Guest67057  |  earlier

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does it mean..

going to the shops everyday

never going on holidays,

not going out for dinner.

sitting on the computer.

doing nothing.

have no hobbies.

does this mean i have no life?




  1. sounds about right

  2. No Friends.

  3. just find yourself a good MMORPG then you'll have a life, even if it is a fake one.

  4. Ask a rock.

    Rocks know all about having no life.

  5. yeah...kinda, but...HEY, if you sit on the computer all day then you have a hobbie RIGHT???? :)

  6. Don't say that. The meaning of "Having No Life" is not having anything meaningful to do with your limited time during your existence on earth. However, I think if you just do what you want, what you needed, and what you think you should then that's good enough. There's many out there who can replace your duty as a human. This is your life, do what you like.

  7. yes it does and it means you suck and you should probably go kill yourself.

  8. well i always thought if you enjoy life then you have a life, people could say that to you as an insult, but those people could be doing everything(shopping,dating,hobbies,frien... and still have an unhappy life.

  9. you are right you don't have a life, if you are depending on others to make your life something. If you want a life, you, have to go and get one, do something meaningful, get a hobby if you don't have one right now, get one, get into some painting or drawing, ask your father to help you learn to draw he is good at drawing, he can help you to do it too, and he will be glad top help you I'm sure, write some poetry, you don't have to hang out at the shops, you don't have to be on the computer all the time, go out in the garden do some planting or get your self a garden patch and grow some flowers or vegetables, go out and visit lonely older person preferably an old woman for safety's sake, do something that you like and that will make your life meaningful hanging out on the computer and myspace isn't very productive, nor will it add meaning to your life, but if you find a hobby or two that you like it might help, try your hand at doing something interesting paint draw or write poetry etc. whatever you find enjoyable. Holidays are not the be all, and end all, and they can cost the earth too. But you can find something that can be fulfilling and exciting to do, which will make your life mean something more than just being bored.And does not cost much or even at all. A lot of times the things that are free to do are much more fulfilling than the things that cost heaps to do.

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