
What does it mean to keep having the same dream over and over for years?

by Guest61462  |  earlier

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What does it mean to keep having the same dream over and over for years?




  1. Recurring dream means something is not resolved and something you have anxiety about that have not been answered.

    It happens when your subconscious mind is not settled.  Once you find out the answer from reality, those dreams will go away.

    For example, in my experience,When I was very little,  I once left my sister take care of my birds because she had to marry and the bird followed her for some reason.  Few times in a year I got worried about not feeding the bird right and/or the bird flew away.   One day, i was told the bird was dead, I was upset and from then on, my dream vanished.

  2. i dont think its a big deal. your probably just remembered it very vividly so you tend to think about it alot and therefore dream about it. dont be one of those people who think that a particular dream has some deep powerful meaning to your life. its just your brain looking for something to do while you sleep.

  3. Recurring dreams are either about a fear/anxiety you may have, or it could be prophetic, meaning "wake up! something is going to happen and you need to pay attention!"

    EVERY time I had recurring dreams, they came true.  It's almost scary.  One example is I kept dreaming I got married to someone I didn't know and felt stuck.  I ended up marrying, remembering the dream, but thinking, No!  I love this person.  But it turned out I did eventually feel stuck as he changed so much in just the first couple years.  

    Another example is I drempt I was in a strange place and couldn't find my home after a natural disaster.  A police car came by, told me they knew where my family was and would take me to them.  Then he pulled up to a POW camp, looked back at me with a wink as he reveled in his disguise, and I was in jail and could never get out.  A few years later, a person in a position of trust (like the cop) lied to me and betrayed my family.  At that point I remembered the dream, and same feelings I had in the dream were my reality.

    So write them down, every detail.  Think about what each symbol means to you.  Think of how you felt in the dream.  Then see if there's a pattern or something represented that is meaningful to you.  Maybe pray for wisdom and revelation about it.

  4. It means your head will soon turn into a catfish...That happened to me, but then the dreams went away!

  5. it means you have a deep seated "fear" or "anxiety" related to the feelings in that dream. perhaps talk to a psychologist (not psychotherapist) and see what they say. You can be refered to one through your doctor.

  6. Depends what its about really I suppose

  7. Maybe you've had the same themes running through your life for years.

  8. Perhaps the content of the dream has become representational of many other things in your life, and your brain uses the dream for resolving of many things vs. just one thing.

    Ex.: I dream about my three cats in a very anxious way whenever I have something at work or at home that is excessively anxiety provoking. It's not always the same dream, but it's always the same in that my cats get out of the house in some way, and I spend the dream upset and looking for them.

    I also came to realize that for a period of time they represented my three nieces & nephews, who were across the state and quite young and being left alone at night while my brother worked. They were starting to get into trouble from being left without adult supervision, and in therapy one day I realized that the #3 was significant in that I had three cats and three nieces & nephews. I was having anxious dreams at the time about the cats and nothing particularly going on at work or home; the big stress in my life at the time was across the state with the situation of my nieces & nephews.

    So your dream can mean different things at different times, and the brain is very versatle in how it uses a familiar representation in your sleep.

    Your dreams mean what they mean to YOU.

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