
What does it mean to live beyond good and evil?

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Philosophy question, i'd really appreciate it if you'd try to answer it.




  1. transcendentalism,In other words godlike.

  2. To transcend the subjective social constructs based on common moral principles of a specific social group. To be at all times aware of the 'big picture'.

  3. It means to have no moral standard beyond your own whim.  You become your own God.

    /This philosophy was first implemented into practical politics in the early 1930s. In Germany.

  4. It's called non-duality. Double vision becomes single.

    Duality is what Adam and Eve and all the rest of us fell into.

    Heaven will replace Earth.

    Let me know if you want more.

  5. Do not choose one or another to be this or that, and just be who you are. Perfect solution

  6. it means that you are indifferent to both good and evil neither interest you or phase you, in other words its nuetral

  7. Kierkegaard has a philosophy which runs like this: there are 'tiers of existence' which all humans must experience and then rise above respectively.

    The first and most base tier is the 'aestheic sphere' where we live for food, drink, women, art, beauty etc.... alone and care for little to nothing else. He even bundles what we would call 'high culture" into this such as a fine opera, a Rembrant masterpiece, a Shakespeare Sonnet etc..,

    The next tier is the 'ethical sphere'. This, for Kierkegaard, is identifying with the 'universal' of our day (he follows Hegel in this) - which essentially amounts to what our society dictates that which is right and wrong.

    Then the third and final tier, which is the highest, is that of 'faith'. He argues that we should transcend the previous two tiers to reach this sphere. We will, for Kierkegaard, spend 99% of our lives in the 'aesthetic' and the 'ethical' spheres but that, when occasion merits it, the two should be superceded by the passion of 'faith'.

    Therefore, if we can accept this for a moment, there are occasions where we have to "live beyond good and evil" because good and evil simply belong to the universal, ethical sphere and is only the dictates of society. We have to transcend this, for Kierkegaard, in the name of 'faith' which is higher. Today, we may replace 'faith' with family, government, liberty or any ideal that we valuely highly.

    Hope that clears up some of the ideas!

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