
What does it mean to lose your shoe in your dreams?

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I often dream about losing shoes.

I'm always wearing shoes at the beginning of the dream and losing one or both at the end of my dreams.

Sometimes, I won't care that I lost a shoe, but other times, I'm frantic about it.




  1. Shoes cover your feet.  For some the choice of shoe is a monumental activity.  They can be protection or torture.  Many babies take off their shoes because they are to confining.

    You maybe one of those free spirits that don't like to be confined.  Don't try to be a conformist it won't fit.

  2. Shoes enable us to walk from A to B with comfort (or discomfort), they take us on our paths of a physical or adventurous nature in life. Mostly we have too many for our real basic needs in life, so i'd suggest you are trying to downsize and get to the core of what you really need from your own walk of this ever so short life...

  3. If you hv high ideals in life e.g. trying to educate and save people, which means U hv a long journey and some hard work ahead.

    Then your shoe or shoes are important assets.

    Hopefully U can recover the shoe(s) quick enough, in the same dream or another dream soon after.

    It is a good omen if before the dream ends, there was someone to help U to recover the shoe(s).

    Good luck, Ella.

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