
What does it mean to "Swoon"?

by Guest55801  |  earlier

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at someone?




  1. it means to faint  

  2. It means to faint.

  3. To faint or pass out

  4. To faint or pass out, usually when somebody sees somebody famous. Girls supposedly swooned over Frank Sinatra in the 40's, Elvis in the 50's and the Beatles in the 60's. Maybe Michael Jackson in the "Thriller" era in the 80's.  I don't know if anybody swoons over Madonna or Britney. Maybe if one of us saw George Clooney in person, but that's just me.

  5. To, metaphorically speaking go light headed and feel over awed by someone you find very attractive and/or, eh,--over awing.

  6. You feel faint and giddy;you are in a daze,in rapture,totally swept off of your feet.

    But what has this to do with Royalty?

  7. It means to faint or to become hysterical in front of.

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