
What does it mean to "play gigs" exactly?

by  |  earlier

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Alright so I have been playing guitar for about 3 years and have friends who play a variety of instruments. If some of us wanted to get together and play somewhere in public...not like a concert or anything obviously, but those people who play in the background at food courts and whatnot....where would we start?

What kind of places would a few unexperienced players play for a few extra bucks?

Thanks for your help!




  1. Make a promotional video, promotional pamphlets, and such.  Hand them out to cafes and various places looking for entertainment.  Keep on handing out promotional items even after you get a job and keep your eyes open for rewarding oppurtunities.  For instance there is a battle of the bands near me.  The grand prize is $250, internet, tv, paper exposure and the gaurantee to play at the next festival in october.  Those kind of things will get you started and fast.  Even if you're sure you're not going to get first prize there's usually at least a bit of reconition for every contestant and a few fans for you too. =D  Keep on entering in contests like that and what not and playing in places like cafe's and bars, soon people will start to reconize your face.  Also bands often play in parks and what not and at special events.  Look into things like that.  Go to your cities website, maybe you can find something.  You can also play at weddings and parties.

  2. To play a gig is to play a show for a few extra bux!  Just the kind of thing you're asking about how to do.

    What you wanna do is write enough songs to fill up a half-hour or 45 min time slot - and practice them until they're tight!

    Then make a simple recording of them - lots of different ways but that's a whole other question.

    Put that 2 or 3 song demo together with a short bio, a picture, anything else you may have done, bands you've played with before, a big yellow envelope - this is called a press kit, or promo pack, or whatever.

    Give your press kit to any small bar, or club, or event place that regularily has other bands play, or

    talk to any other bands you know of, give them the packet and ask to open up for them at one of their shows, or

    Just play a houseparty somewhere and you can sell your demo, alongside a shirt and poster, or whatever merch you got, and try to develope a fan-base that way first.  That way, if you do land a gig somewhere, you can promote for it and actually get a few people there to see your show.  That way, the club may consider having you back, as you brought some business to their company!

    Good luck!

  3. here in my town they play a pizza places, coffee shops, small restaurants maybe start at those places.


    this site employs musicians

  5. when a man and a woman really love each other, they go into the bedroom and make a bunch of noises that you dont understand. called moshing and its a gig

  6. Depends how old you are, but most I know play in pubs

  7. coffee shops?

  8. If your near the ocean, you can go to the boardwalk and play with you case open and people will put money in it. You should go around to food places and ask if they want a performer to play there.

  9. Maybe a mall having an opening would be good, or night club might be good, maybe a party your friends are throwing. Small places like dat, hope dat helped =)

  10. hey it depends on the type of music u play if southern rock or something probably a little bar or a restaurant.

  11. well i mean...gigs basically are mini-concerts. concerts are very formal and planned where as gigs are in a much more open atmosphere. honestly unless ur a big time band all ur gonna get is gigs.

    now i live in a very small town (with crappy bands...maybe u cud come down here and show em a thing or 2...), anyway, down here bands usually play at coffee houses, so try there.

    i dont think ur gonna gig at food places...altho idk maybe at some kind of bar or something. ask ur friends at school about where bands gig at in ur town, im sure ull find the answer.

    hope that helps...good luck!

  12. that's what she said

  13. like a small buisness or make pamphlets and like play in a garage or the park or pizza hut or somewherem its your choice

  14. Just go around to different places and ask if they want some live music.  Some do to draw people to their establishment.  Some will want to hear you play to see if you flow with the mood of the place.  You can play in restaurants, coffee houses, or bars.  If you live near a beach, you should be able to find lots of places.

  15. Well a good place to start is at bars.  Most bars are looking for inexpensive music entertainment.  Also let all your friends know that you are available for parties.  It gets spread by word of mouth.  But bars are used to being solicited for entertainment. I know some people who did that and it worked out great for them.  Good luck.

  16. The park. Or just out on the sidewalk. Anywhere where there's people. Out where folks are walking to a sporting event... Sports always draws a lot of crowds.

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