
What does it mean to see lots of spiders?

by Guest57506  |  earlier

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Me and my friends for about 2 weeks have seen spiders EVERYWHERE.

Just randomly and usually they're big ones.

We've seen them at school, at home, at each others houses, public places.. Everywhere!

Does this mean anything?




  1. Ive been there too dont know if it does.

    Ive seen 12 spiders (all daddy longlegs) in my house in one day it scared the c**p out of me!

    I think it just means theres lots of flies around lol i dunno

  2. That there may be an infestation/hive nearby.  Spiders hatch at all times of the year, and they have lots and lots of babies.  The babies usually remain close to the hive until they are full grown.  They also are prominent in overgrown areas of landscaping, under the dirt, cactuses, etc.

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