
What does it mean to view God in a false way?

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I'm Agnostic and I have to write a paper for school about, "The consquences of viewing God in a false way."




  1. it means to either think badly of him,

    or to think things differently about him that what they really are.

  2. You have to write that for school? Do you go to a Catholic school? If not I would just not write the paper and say it was against my religion. ;)

    There is no "false" way to view "god". Just a way that some people might not agree with, however your belief isn't false to you.

  3. Generally, it means whatever the person using the term WANTS it to mean.  

    Basically, it means you disagree with them, and therefore are being tempted by the Devil.  It's the only way their minds and egos can comprehend someone having an opinion other than their own.

  4. it means you're going to h**l HAHAHA... jk ..those people makes me laugh

  5. like seeing him as a pile of c**p

  6. I suppose you'd get in trouble if you wrote something along the lines of,

    "To view God in a false way means disagreeing with the armed person standing next to you."

  7. To view God in a false way or to make Him something He is not just to promote your own agenda.  For instance, those who promote the anti-g*y agenda, portray God as this entity which hates g*y people and condemns us all to h**l.  (This is based, of course, on mistranslation and misinterpretation and misuse of a handful of verses from Scripture.)  If this were the real God, His son would have condemned homosexuality.  In reality, Jesus never even mentioned it.  Those who use God to justify the hatred in their own hearts will be judged one day by God and punished as God sees fit.

  8. There is no way you can "view god in a wrong way" everyone has a different image of god. like how the ancient egyptians thought the sun was the giver of life

    anywho, the consequences of viewing god wrong will probably lure religious freaks to come to you and preach how you will go to h**l and you should think of god the same way they do.

  9. do you go to private school??

    the consequence is that those who reject God wont live again...we all must repent..

  10. To see him as something he's not.  To see Jesus as just another man would be considered a falsehood.  To see god as something other than the creator of the universe would be a false way to view him.

    Basically, any way that contradicts what's written about him in the bible is false.

    The consequences are for some people, eternal separation from god (h**l).  However, there is a provision in the bible that says if you are led astray by another then he shall take your place in h**l.  Another consequence of viewing god in a false way is not seeing or viewing his children for who they really are.  In other words, you see others as strangers and not as brothers and sisters.  Viewing them as brother and sister takes on a meaning of family.  Most people treat their family with an added love and respect that they don't show to strangers.  But god commands us to give strangers more love than even our own family members.

  11. Viewing God as something or someone other than what He has  said He is.

  12. I'm a nihilist and i do not believe in any higher power :P but i want you to show you something that will explain to you better...add my yahoo :P

  13. No idea.

    But I don't think you can view god in a false way. Just like no one can really say which religion is 'right' and which is 'wrong'. You have to decide for yourself.

  14. It means looking at the bible and with nothing but your insight determining who God is and what his message is.  For you must look to the church for aid in these matters.  Also, to be agnostic is to assume that there is a higher power but you don't know what or who is "up there".  This is a ridiculous thing to be "agnostic" because you are not assuming anything on faith, you need everything proved to you.  Because of this you are saying, that if I don't know about a definate God and his existence has not been proved to me then he is not real.  Although this is extremely arrogant as you are assuming that not a single person on earth knows more than you about God, past or present, you are assuming that if you do not know something then neither does anyone else. You arrogant fool/

  15. Which god are you referring to? Not that it matters. I don't believe in False Gods. I have never experienced "consequences" for not believeing in a false god.  

  16. It means to EXPECT god or religion to do things that are unrealistic. Some people think that by simply calling on him, god will solve their problems, even though deep down they're truly not believers, have true faith, or are true followers of the religion. They seek god's help in a false way, not because they are devoted to him.  

  17. Just study this area of Y!A and you'll see the consequences.

    Think: viewing God as a "genie"; judging God (i.e. blaming Him for bad things that people *choose* to do), etc.

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