
What does it mean when a Capricorn guy gets flustered?

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So, this Capricorn guy I like and who I think likes me totally got flustered with me the other day, he couldn't even get his words I never saw him like that before, I'm wondering if it's normal for Capricorns when they like someone. We hadn't been able to talk alone like that in a while, did he just get really nervous or something?




  1. It means he's flustered.What you need to understand is that no one is just one sign.It is possible that it was due to his sun sign alone but I doubt that.In astrology one looks at the mans venus and moon along with the ascendant and fith house, to see what he is attracted to with relationships.I think he was flustered because with sun in capricorn he expresses his essential self, stateliness and authority thourgh a capricorn way.Seriousness,restraint,disipline ect.And his affections(venus)for you disrupted the way he expresses his solar identity.

    So you prolly noticed by now that astrology is much,much, more than just ones sun sign.And it it is in fact very real.Not entertainment.Sun sign astrology was a publicity stunt in 1911 to get people to buy more papers and magizines.

    If you would like to find more info on this fasinating subject than I direct you to these sites.

  2. Speaking as a typical Capricorn male, I can tell you that I get very flustered when talking about my feelings (I've done it only a few times.) becuase it's such a delicate subject. I can't speak for everyone, but when it comes to me I find that sharing feelings makes me way more vulnerable and open to attack than other times. If he's your typical cappy, I'm sure you've noticed that he tends to be more reserved and distant than most people, almost appearing to be less friendly.

    But trust me, he probably likes you if he got flustered. Infact I wouldn't doubt it.

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