
What does it mean when a crow follows you home?

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What does it mean when a crow follows you home?




  1. It means that the crow finds you interesting especially if you were wearing some jewelery or something that reflected the light.  Crows are very keen on taking shining things and hoarding them.  Or, it could be that you have an aura so bright that the crow was attracted to it.  You are very lucky to have a crow think you are special.  

  2. bad luck

    someone's death


  4. yeah i think that is bad luck

  5. Evil bird has a message for you. look out!

  6. I'm going to have to agree with the other people, i say its bad luck

  7. It means he's hungry and you look tasty.

  8. Crows do not mean death, nor are they evil.

    Crows are very sacred to Native Americans and Shamans. Crow is a messenger and is the keeper of the creator's sacred law. It is said that Crow can bend the laws of the physical universe and shape-shift. Crow medicine people are the masters of illusion. All sacred texts and ancient records are under the protection of Crow. They can come to us with warnings of danger, but they are also symbols of creation and spiritual strength. Crow can teach you balance within your soul.

    For more information on animal spirit guides, check out the book "Animal Speak" by Ted Andrews.

  9. Crows are considered to be messengers-

    Wait to see what happens next

    and then you will know what

    the message is.

  10. If you believe in luck, supposedly its bad luck. I do not believe in luck, I think it was just hungry for some food.

  11. it's lonely....

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