
What does it mean when a girl hugs you before the end of your first date?

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0 LIKES UnLike the way that your chest touches her b*****s




  1. GIRLS LIKE HUGS! When a girl hugs that just happens because they are there and there is no stoping that. It means that she likes you and wants to out again. She doesn't want to kiss you cause DUH! its your first date!

  2. its just a hug .. its he girl being friendly and showing that she trusts you  

  3. its a just a hug. dont get your pannies in a bunch

  4. a hug?  wow...I think she was trying to propose to you.  

  5. She LIKES you!!! And she's quite confident too, but she definitely likes you.

  6. it may mean she likes you, but alot of girls just hug.. it's in our nature.

    whenever i see friends we usually hug, including guy friends, depending how close.

    in an all girls school girls hug after recess and stuff, lol, pretty strange.. and each arvo, etc.. sometimes.

  7. congratulations she likes u! she probably wants to go on a 2nd date or shes happy that she found you

  8. she's wiping her hands on your back

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