
What does it mean when a girl wears a ring on her wedding ring finger?

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I started riding the train to work not too long ago. I have noticed this very beautiful girl who rides the train the sames times as I do each day. I checked her ring finger the first time I saw her, and there wasn't any ring. I haven't gotten the chance to talk to her yet, but I have noticed that some days she wears a ring(doesn't look like an engagement ring) and some days she doesn't wear it. She is wearing it on the same finger as a wedding ring would be though. I do need to get the nerve up to talk to her, but if she is "taken" already it would be nice to figure it out first before I talk to her.




  1. well my boyfriend gave me a ring but it was a promise ring not an engagement ring. kinda the same thing but not. depending on how the ring looks i would say she just likes rings and puts it on what ever finger she wants. or she is newly married and forgets after a shower etc. i would say just talk to her. <3Q

  2. if it looks like a normal ring then that is all it is. A lot of girls wear rings on their left ring finger even if they aren't in a relationship. I would just say hi and get to know her. She will tell you that she is married or not before you get too far (if she is a decent women)

  3. It could be a engagment ring or a wedding ring or a ring that is just for fashion. My guess is that it could be a promise ring. Most of the time promise rings aren't very fancy and don't look like engagment or wedding bands. Sometimes women have rings that don't look like typical engagement or wedding bands.

    One way to find for sure. "Excuse me, miss, I'm sorry to bother you but I've been helping a friend of mine look at engagement rings. He was looking at a style very similiar to the ring you are wearing. So, are you happy with your engagement ring?"

    She will probably tell you whether or not it is or isn't a special ring.

  4. I doubt it's a wedding ring or engagement ring if it doesn't look like one and she doesn't wear it everyday.. it's probably just a fashion ring and that's the finger she chooses to wear it on..

    I say go for it!  She'll tell you if she's taken.

    Good luck!

  5. What makes it not look like an engagement ring? Mine is an estate ring, yellow gold with a central ruby/sapphire (right at the colour barrier) and looks nothing like what the jewelry companies try to say an engagement ring should look like. And I don't wear it everyday. Some days I'm in a rush. Some days I don't have time to wash it. Sometimes I forget to put it back on after washing my hands.

    Also, as some people have said, she might be wearing it to *look* like an engagement ring, so whether or not it is one, approach her as if she is engaged.

  6. Just ask her man

  7. If it's not an engagement or wedding ring (which it sounds like it's not because she doesn't always wear it), then it could possibly be some sort of promise ring.  She may have made a promise to hesrself, her parents, religion, etc. and the ring represents that commitment. She may only wear it when she wants to remind herself of that commitment.

    Another possibility is that it's a decoy: she wears it to deter men from hitting on her (and it sounds like it works).

    No matter what, I say go for it because you'll never know unless you ask. And if she is taken at least you'll know and you want be questioning "what if?"

  8. If she doesn't wear it everyday than my guess would be that it isn't a wedding or engagement ring

  9. I don't think its a wedding ring/engagement ring because a woman usually wears that everyday (regardless) It's most likely just an accessory.  And don't wait too long- what happens if one day she stops using the train?!

  10. play it off...

    go up to her and says that your cousin is a jewler or something and ask about her ring and say you like the style and than you might get it for your mom or some female in your female and say "so your married, or what is the ring for, or say wedding engagement...cause if its one of those i will have to get something not as classy for my mom/aunt etc"

    good luck

  11. Don't delay.  Start a conversation with her and if she's interested, you'll know right away.  Forget about the ring.  Some gals wear them just because they think it looks nice.  TALK TO HER.  Good luck, too.

  12. i wear a ring on my ring finger and im not just happens to be where i like it. i also have a ring that looks kinda of like an engagement ring but my parents gave it to me as a gift when they went on a cruise.i say talk to the lady the worse she can say is sorry im married.let us know what happens!!!

  13. Unless u ask her, you can't know.......some wear just for fashion........some married ones keep it at don't know.........

  14. It means she is either engaged, married or doesnt want guys to hit on her. HAHA!

  15. If you like her, let her know. If she's a committed woman,she'll tell you.  Nowadays, you can't go by the ring finger anymore.  I know married couples who don't wear rings.  I thought that to be a little weird myself too but it's true.  Good luck!!!

  16. It could be a promise or fashion ring. Don't let appearance fool you; unusual engagement rings are on the rise. I doubt she would go engagement ringless, though.

    Talk to her! That's the only way you'll know for sure =]

  17. It could be that some days her engagement ring feels too bulky to bother with when she's on her way to work, or that she's wearing it to keep from being bothered on the train. Next time she's wearing it, ask her when will she be getting married...

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