
What does it mean when a guy you just met tells you he does not want a relationship?

by  |  earlier

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but the same night wants to have s*x/ then he calls me the same night just to tell me good night! and havent heard from him since? iam confused? if he didnt want a relationship why bother to call to say good night?




  1. it means he does not want a relationship

  2. When someone tells you they do not want a relationship, LISTEN!  He means it.  People rarely say they don't want a relationship when they really do - people who do want a relationship will usually say so.  Sounds like he wanted to have s*x, have a good time and nothing more.  Calling to say good night was nice but doesn't a relationship make. Don't hang on expecting something more.

  3. Srsly?

    alright, young one... here it is:

    He wants s*x...not a relationship.

    If he comes around for a booty call and you give it up....don't cry when your heart gets broke.

  4. I think he just trying to be nice so that he can get more our of you. obviosly if he acts like a jerk, he knows he won't deserve anything from you. I suggest play with his head (I don't ean that in a sexual way)

  5. He's a player.  Don't waste your time getting involved in that.

  6. he was just being nice that night by doing so, but dont do it again..he doesnt want to be with..he wants to have his cake n eat it too..if u have any self respect for urself than dont continue to sleep with someone that doesnt respect u..i personally think that theres nothing wrong with a booty call but it doesnt seem like thats wat u want n since feelings seem to be involved dont do it  

  7. He just wanted s*x

  8. To be polite.  Simple as that.

  9. Honey, all he wanted was the booty.  That's why he called to feel you out.  And when you didn't put out, he moved on.  He sounds like a first class jerk. And when a guy tells you he doesn't want a relationship, BELIEVE him.  His actions matched his words perfectly. He did you a HUGE favor!

  10. probably cause he wants more s*x.

  11. yeah wat a jerk! that's soo messed up idk it simply means he's a dirtbag and was only trying to use u =[  

  12. Sorry to say you have been had next time DON"T give it up so easy.

  13. He wants s*x with you; no doubt about that.  

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