
What does it mean when a hamster's butt is swollen?

by Guest64416  |  earlier

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I need an answer my hamster's butt is really swollen.




  1. Id say your hamster is g*y!! lololololol... but seriously (pardon the pun) Your little guy has an infection in his digestive track. most likely a parasite. He will need a medicine from the vet. He needs it quick because he wont be able to p**p till the swelling goes down and it will kill him if he doesn't p**p.

  2. When that happened to my hamster, he died a week later. Sorry. :(

  3. Why are you looking there anyways? <_<

  4. Are you sure it's the butt? They are quite small and it could be a leg/hip.

    Answer mine?;...

  5. Are you sure it's his butt that's swollen or .. is it perhaps, some other part of his anatomy that's getting large?  

  6. Your hamster has a tumor if your hamster is young you can take it to the vet and get it removed if he's old then it can't be removed and soon he will probably loose all of his hair! I'm really sorry the same thing happened to my hamster 2 years ago!

  7. well see if your hamster is pooping normaly and try taking it to a vet that sounds bad for a hamster

  8. tumor :[

  9. If his butt looks like this:

    then it's just his man parts.

    If not, bring him to the vet.

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