
What does it mean when a horse's ears are back?

by  |  earlier

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pleas help my horse's ears are always back




  1. If his ears are always pinned back that means he is very unhappy.  If it is happening when you are riding you may want to get him checked by a vet or an equine chiropractor to make sure he is not in pain, or have someone evaluate your riding to see if maybe it is you.  Sometimes we are not aware of some little thing we are doing to irritate the h**l out of a horse when we are riding.


  3. In the racing business.. It's called "pinned" When a race horse is racing and his/hers ears are pinned.. They are serious about what is going on.

  4. He is upset about something ,,

    or he is waiting for something to happen,,

    or he is trying to listen to you ==I doubt  that  ==

    he just plain does not like you ??

    Tell us more about him and are they ALWAYS BACK????

    Like when feeding ? and with other horses ?

    or just when your around ??

    Does he have ear problems ??

    help us out more,,,,, then maybe we can help you More

  5. first post says it all

  6. ok if his ears are pinnd back it can mean two things

    1. he/ she is mad/scared/ or unhappy

    2. the horses is sick b/c he has a lame foot

    my horse irish is alway's like that i wouldn't worry toooooooo much ! good luck !

  7. If they're pinned back down onto their head, it means they're angry.  If they're turned behind, it means they're listening to what's behind them... if you're riding your horse, it's good for the ears to be turned behind because it means it's listening to you.

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