
What does it mean when a horse stomps with his hoof?

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I've observed my horse doing this sometimes. It almost like he's pawing, but a bit more aggressively. I would assume that it means he's annoyed or angry or something of that nature- but he does it even when he's eating and when I'm grooming him, so what exactly does it mean?




  1. I agree with unknown....

  2. flies or boredom.

  3. I assume that your horse is doing it because he's enjoying himself.  You say he does it when you feed and groom him, he is showing his enjoyment.  He's saying this tastes so good, i love dinner time or this feels so good i love it when you groom me.  The horse launguage is so amazing, if you just sit and watch your horse you'll see so many more little actions!  Pan's mum:  You should never smack a flight animal, it's pointless and mean!!!

  4. probably flies, go to your local farm store and get a fly trap, they work wonders

    also, if it's at feed time, most horses paw the ground when your about to feed them

  5. The pawing while eating sounds like an instinctive action from when horses had to paw the ground to get their grains. Some horses will lift the knee way up and hold it there, even before you get the bucket to them.

    Otherwise - Stomping = slamming down the hoof - sounds like flies are biting him. Fly spray like everyone else said.

    Pawing = scraping at the ground - is impatience which equals boredom. This is not cute - he needs to be patient. You do not want that aggressive pawing to be on your foot!

      You would lose points if you ever showed him and he did this in the ring.

    I bet he pulls his leg away if you take "too long" to pick out his hooves...

    Tell him to "Quit" in a firm voice when he does this and smack the shoulder of the leg that is pawing.

    Good Luck!

  6. My horse does it when she gets bored, or is being ignored and wants attention.

  7. It's a sign of irritation like tail swishing.

    It may be because of flies or because you are too slow giving him the food. Maybe he wants to be left alone while he eats.

  8. ah perfect times...these r classic times wen a horse will exzibt pawing and they are mearly anticipating food and/or being exersized.nothing to worry about just make sure it isnt so much to where he is wearing down his shoes/hoof...if that is the case then leaning on him for a breif second will cause him to put pressure on the hoof he keeps picking up...thus preventing him from lifting it in that moment.but dont ever hit him for anticipating something thats just obserd lol =]]

  9. In my experience it is mostly done from flies.

    At times it is because they are aggravated by something.

    I have seen a sore horse do it but that is not the biggest reason, Flies is the biggest.

  10. flys!!!

    my horse does the same.

    hahaha dang flys are annoying

    just get some really good fly spray and spray his legs and stomach and butt!!!

  11. My horse does this too when I groom her while she is eating. It could be for a number of reasons - for my horse it is usually when I am combing her tail, if I take too long she gets annoyed with me and stamps her foot =P, it could also be because he is enjoying his food, or he is worried that you are going to take his food even. It could also just be boredom, or like others have said - flies.  

  12. Yes. He's angry. I have had so many problems with flies this year. So many promising products, and none are up to their promises. Next year I'm going with the "feed through Product

    If I didn't have fly traps the problem would be twice as bad. I also use a house hold large flat sheet!

    I use while she is in the stall, it keeps them from biting her tender skin.

    I have heard they now have a fly screen sheet you can put on your Horse.

    Flies can make people and horses just plain miserable.

    So, the first plan is to get rid of the reason most flies are attracted to your Horse.

    Manure and dirty hoofs really attract flies. They cut in half if I get rid of what they want. But we will still have some of these nasty pest.

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