
What does it mean when a male teacher has bad intenions regarding me? and why would he so that?

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What does it mean when a male teacher has bad intenions regarding me? and why would he so that?




  1. He does not like you,  ask him

    what his problem is???

  2. I learned to speak out if I was in a situation where I felt uncomfortable. Obvisouly you felt uncomfortable because your writing this Answer. If you are under age, tell your parents. If they don't listen tell the school police. It's the police officers duty not to release you until you are safe. Tell the police don't think about it twice. It's either your life or the teachers pleasure. I think I like more my life than the teachers pleasure.

  3. What do you mean by bad intentions? Is this

    teacher coming on to you?  Trying to get you to sleep with him? If you feel uncomfortable around

    this teacher then report him to the principal and

    tell your parents right away.

  4. If you're a minor and he is coming on to you it means he is a pervert and needs to be reported.

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