
What does it mean when a male teacher has bad intenions regarding me?and why would he do that?

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What does it mean when a male teacher has bad intenions regarding me?and why would he do that?




  1. who told u that wording?

    if someone has noticed that behavior and its an adult  ask them for advice and proof.

      that needs to be reported- do not be alone with the man

    some poeple's powr  makes them take advantage of situations

  2. He doesn't and you know it. YOU were the one obsessing over your crush on him, wondering if he thought you were pretty, if he would leave his wife, etc. Is this the same teacher your are now saying pi**es you off and you ignore? You are still working the fantasy, girl, you are 18 and need to grow out of this childishness. You have a future ahead of you if you just grow up. Think about it.

  3. Intenions?

  4. It may mean that he has a sexual interest in you. This is bad, and sad, if it is true. You should always trust your teacher, but if someone thinks he has "bad intentions", or he says something strange about you, or touches you, perhaps because he might be a sick man, then you must not trust him and tell your parents or a relative or another teacher you trust what happened, so that you are always safe and happy, and the sick teacher gets help too. Do not be frightened to talk about this with friends and family, and always be open and honest. I hope this helps to answer your question openly and honestly too.

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