
What does it mean when a police officer gives you a warning?

by  |  earlier

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I've been pulled over 3 times in the past maybe..4 months. Two of the times I have been given a warning and the other time he just let me go.

Does a warning show up anywhere or is it just the police officers way of telling you not to do it again. When I was just recently pulled over, the police officer told me next time I get pulled over I get a ticket. Is that for if he pulls me over or just any police officer? Also, what do they do when they run your license?




  1. It's just a warning.  It means the next time you'll probably get a ticket.  When they run your license, they check to see if it's valid, check to see if you are wanted in other states, or even in the same state, etc.

    Edit: The person that claims to be a police office saying traffic tickets don't apply to big chested women couldn't be more wrong.  I've had 2 or 3 tickets, and I'm a D size.  He's no more a police officer than I am Queen Elizabeth II.

  2. Warnings are only verbal communication with you to slow down. It's not kept on record anywhere. If the same Officer pulls you over again and remembers you as well as the fact that you were speeding before when he warned you, he'll give you a ticket for sure.

    You should slow it down. It's wear and tear on your vehicle (plus unsafe), and the slower you drive, the more gas you save.  

  3. Within our county we can see how many times a car has been pulled over and whether a ticket has been issued or if the operator has been advised (warned). Some jurisdictions do not have that technology and you can keep getting warnings until you get the same cop twice.  Checking a license means to check the driving status and to see if someone is wanted.

  4. They will keep track of it especially in thte same county. I would stop making this obvious repetetive mistake, its a wonder that you have even gotten this far..? Whatever the violation , big or small you will eventually get that ticket, or worse possibly cause injury to someone (thats if its speeding, running stop signs ect).

  5. usually if you've been pulled over 4 times at some point you would be given a ticket, but traffic violations dont apply to females so dont worry about it, especially the bigger your b*****s are.  

  6. what it means is you are a lucky lady and thats it. next time you will get a ticket means if they pull you again you will get a ticket from them and probably would have gotten a ticket if another cop had pulled you. they run your license to make sure  it is valid and not suspended or fake and to verify that you have not outstanding warrants.

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