
What does it mean when a sagittarius is sexually attracted to someone?

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Is it significant when a sagittarius is sexually attracted to someone? They seem like strong minded people that are not easily distracted.

For any Sags out there, what do you do when you find yourself sexually attracted to someone? Have you ever been hooked on a person who wasn't personality-wise good because of this?




  1. I am strong minded indeed. Its really hard to Charm a Sagittarius guy with your feminine ways which may work for other signs.They are head strong and very hard to pin down.I am a Sagittarius guy with a smart Sagittarius gf. She is equally strong-minded and doesn't easily get distracted.She had lots of guys behind her even after we got hooked up and she doesn't give a d**n about them.We generally don't react much to sexual needs of others.For us love is more of a mental process than physical.Most sags are intellectual by nature and only other intellectuals can pin them down.

  2. Probably means you're horney.

  3. Well it means just that! Sexual! A sagg is attracted to personality more than looks. Not saying we don't like attractive people we just prefer that a person be fun and bubbly like us. A great attitude will attract us like bees to honey. I myself am attracted to men that make me laugh, someone I can learn something from and vice versa. If I am attracted to someone, I usually go out with them(dates) for a week or so and if Its not my cup of tea I move on. We are not just going to pursue a narrow minded tight ***, not even if he looks like a model. Our attraction has a lot to do with how you act/are. I have been with a person with a not so good personality, but it was brief.  Hope I helped-proud sagg

  4. when a sagittarius is attracted to someone it means...

    they are attracted to that person

    whats so hard about that

    im one but

    the thing i get pretty mad about is i look more into their looks and NOT their personalities

    BUT i REALLY like funny people

    even if they are ugly, which is a huge thing for me


  5. I think our expectations become more practical/grounded as we get older.

    Sags do get distracted easily--until they find the right person, and when they do, they will not stray.

  6. yeaa ...tiz is a most popular sin we sags love to do ...we are more physically attracted and we do fall fr "Bad ppl" personality wise...sags are also the ones to have their "dream love" all pictured in their mind ...and hence tend to stray in search of their fantasy lover after a while when in some relationship ...hence many sags fail to keep long term realtionships ...they normally fail to commit coz actully they are in search of tat dream love they have in their heart deep down ...we sags kno wat we want but unfortunately i find myself mostly very choosy and have high expectations frm my lovers :D

  7. they like people who are strong and confiedant (but in bad way), they like aries (ME) because they are strong and  confidant and (daredevil) from inside, about sexually attraction they dont do any action  or admit that they are attracted to there partner sexualy(Even if they are both naked in bed) untill he admit it  first with his honesty thats why  Aries & Sag are compatible!

  8. I'm a Sag and I have found that I'm easily attracted to people but that always changes. Sags are known for not staying in one place for too long. Most of the people that I have been attracted to have been "bad" personality wise. Don't really know why!

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