
What does it mean when at night my son is seeing a white figure come out of my room?

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He is not on dope, don't need any smart *** answers or any of that. We are very much a christian family, he attends youth reguarly as well as church too. But every once in a while he is seeing a white figure come out of my room while he is watching tv. He has told me that he gets up and I am asleep, it's really starting to freak him out. I think this is the third time he has seen this happen. He tells me that the white figure comes out of my room and walks down the hall, doesn't look at him just leave from my room at night. I personally don't really believe in ghosts, but now this is freaking me out him telling me what he sees, and he has said that some nights it's not even that late at night. Any help would be grateful thanks




  1. You probably have a residual haunting where it cant make contact. Which means it cant talk to you. it is kind of like a tape recorder it just playing itself over and over. If it scares you get a priest to bless the house.Whatever you do don't bring a ouiji board into the house!

    Good luck!

  2. Okay, so you're dating a white guy....he'll adujst.  

  3. If it is a spirit it sounds like a residual haunting. That means the spirit is unaware that you and your family are there. It basically the spirit is just replaying a part of it's life over and over again like a vhs tape. If you believe that's the case it's pretty safe there. Also, depending on how old your son is it may be for attention. I do believe in ghosts and this may be more than you think. Maybe brush up on the history of your house and see if anything tragic happened there. Check public records.

  4. A turkey was standing in a field chatting to a bull. "I would love to be able to get to the top of yonder tree," sighed the turkey, "but I haven't got the energy."

    "Well, why don't you nibble on some of my droppings?" replied the bull. They're packed with nutrients."

    The turkey pecked at a lump of dung and found that it actually gave him enough strength to reach the first branch of the tree. The next day, after eating some more dung, he reached the second branch. Finally after a fourth night he was proudly perched at the top of the tree. Whereupon he was spotted by a farmer who dashed into the farmhouse, emerged with a shotgun, and shot the turkey right out of the tree.

    Moral of the Story: Bullshit might get you to the top, but it won't keep you there.

  5. The fact that you're asking this in the jokes and riddles section doesn't add much credibility to this story. You must be jokeing.

  6. That sounds really spooky to me, I don't know what to say, maybe tell your local clergy, he may be able to do something...!

  7. he is frightening you

  8. suggest him not to watch scary movies even in day time.  

  9. if ur in ur room and dating a white white guy it might be him after u to had se*.after he comes out of ur room naked.DUHH!...

  10. stupid hes scaring you!!!and you are getting fooled..

  11. Well how old is he?

    If he's like over 8 or so he's probably just trying to freak you out. But if he's very young he might be seeing a ghost.

  12. I think its safe to say you have a spirit in your home. when the figure comes out of your room does he feel scared afraid or does he feel calm but realizes this is not normal. If he feels calm it is pretty safe to say This spirit is friendly and not harmful. How old is he? it also might be a good idea to talk to your pastor* and see what he might think. Unless what he sees has tried to harm him in any way its just safer and more pleasant to try and make him understand whats going on and leave it alone. Id get some advice from someone at church though.

    You're not crazy any mean answers you get is just from someone who is narrow minded. Have you recently done work in your home I.E painting, building, changing the home? this is said to upset spirits If they're are any because you are changing "their" home. GOOD LUCK! Everything will be fine!

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