
What does it mean when fighter jets 3 of em fly over head one day, then a Chinook, Helicopter the next?

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the direction the fighter jets came from the closest possible military base is over 3oo miles away. the chinook helicopter came from a different area all together and went a different direction. we never hardly ever see military aircraft let alone two days in a row. never happened here that i know of. so i was just wondering if it was a huge coincidence or if there was something up. when i first seen the jets they were 3 of em close together in a diagonal as they flew over my house very loudly. then a few min later they had turned around and quit a bit of distance between each one as they headed back to the direction they came from. can anyone tell me what they are doing?? pretty sure nothing is up just curious.




  1. Military forces never tell the public when they are moving their vehicles.  It happens often.

    Don't worry about it and just know that you are proud of our military forces and well protected.

    300 miles per hour to a jet is half it's speed.  So on average it takes them a few seconds or less to go that distance.

  2. How would anyone have a clue if you don't even say where you are located.

    Depending on the model of aircraft, maybe there was a real world situation going on that required a "other than normal" flight plan.

  3. i would say nothing... at least they are flying and not falling lol

  4. Just coincidence...When I was overseas many years ago, I remember walking home from work under the watchful gaze of an AC-130 overhead doing sensor alignments...A very comfortable feeling...These are our friends, neighbors and countrymen keeping us safe.

  5. Probably a base exercise, which is incorporating the units stationed on the base, with some Army assets for practice.  They could also be participating in a fly-over for an event/funeral.

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