
What does it mean when he says..

by  |  earlier

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"I want some space"?? He's been acting weird all night. He says it pissed him off when i goof with him, but im just a really playful person and i only just turned 17. we've been together for like 7 months. He's been a real jerk lately and school is starting next week. hes going to college, im a senior in high school. idk what his issue is. he's just been mean tonight. he says theres nothing wrong. but i can't buy it. especially if he wont be in the same freaking room with me. should i be worried? what do you think is wrong with him?




  1. Nothing wrong with him but with you, as you can't understand his polite expression that you please get rid of him!

  2. forget him, concentrate on your studies,....

  3. these people dont know ****...

    the only person who has anything close to right is sunshinee

    sorry about all of it

  4. When he says "I want some space" he's politely telling you to back off. He's either seeing someone else or wants too. Sorry but that's what he's telling you. Short and sweet version.

  5. He basically needs his space from you. It seems he wants to keep his options open when he goes to college too, he can't date girls his age if he has a girlfriend (in high school) back home. it may be a good time to go your separate ways. Sorry.  

  6. Sounds like he is trying to break up with you. He is off to college and wants to be free to experience other woman, but doesn't know how to tell you.

    If you ask him straight out if he wants to break up, he will probably answer you, but if he doesn't let him know that you are not going to be disrespected or used, as you are not his carpet to walk all over.No one should be mean to you, so call him on it.

    Good luck.

  7. it means he wants to break up. he's going to college ; it's a different world.

  8. Sounds to me like he wants you to back off.  Like back WAY off.  Like break up?

    He's going to college.  You're still in HS.  That might make a difference.

  9. He shows no interest anymore, no offense. Talk to him and ask if he still wants the relationahip or not. If not, move out and just move on.

  10. I think he just means he wants some space. Maybe hes stressed about starting college.

  11. If he is starting college, he does need some space as he is going through a lot more than you are just returning to school.  You are only 17 and so much can happen in the coming years.  Both of you need to back of and give each other room to grow up.  Be kind to one another and try to understand his problems as well as yours.  

  12. uhh yeah. WORRIED. thats how my boyfriend broke up with me. He said, I just want some time away. And then wouldnt be with me at ALL. HE might wanna break up, or hes cheating and doesnt wanna admit it... idk.

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