
What does it mean when i guy says he wants to have s*x with you? if your only 14!

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okay soooo last night i was bored, EXTREMELY bored and i was on the phone with a guy friend of mine, just so happens he was having a sleepover with another guy.

i started talking to his friend on the phone and out of nowhere he said "will you have s*x with me?" i thought he was just kidding so i said "sure, i dont see why not, it'll be fun"

so we talked the whole night basically about having s*x with each other, me totally kidding the whole time.

but then he shows up at my house this morning!!!!


is it my fault for leading him on, or is he just retarded to not know that i would never do something like that?




  1. typical teenage boy, just ignore him, make sure though you dont lead guys on like that because you can get yourself in a very bad situation! He showed up at your house, what if next time you get forced to do something you dont want to! Take care!

    p.s. and yea he's just retarded lol

  2. he's a freak for even asking something like that but maybe u should not of lead him on so either way u are kind of both to blame  

  3. Punch that b@stard in the face. He wants to use girls for s*x, Gee what a great guy huh?

  4. It sounds like he didn't understand you were joking and that you did lead him on.  Teenage boys have EXTREMELY voracious sexual appetites so they will take what is offered.   Be honest and tell him you were kidding.  Tell him you don't feel ready to have s*x.  He may resent you, but if so tell him you are very sorry.

    Thank you and good day.

  5. It means the guy is a shallow, horny teenage boy.

    Leave him alone, your only 14, you don't want to get involved with s*x.

    You were teasing him and he took you seriously, now it's time to put him back in his place and tell him that you only want to be friends.

    trust me.

  6. Lol, that's funny. I guess you did lead him on. You should have told him you were joking at the end of the phone conversation.

  7. I guess he was serious however if you tell him NO now then he should get the message. He may be a bit cross and accuse you of leading him on but he should get over it.

    Honestly without knowing the nature of the discussion that went on all night I can't say whether you were at fault or not for making him think you were serious but you obviously should refuse now and he has to accept that. In the future though I wouldn't recommend doing anything like this!


  8. lmao what a ******* idiot! maybe you're just really bad at being sarcastic??? it is your fault for leading it on, you're supposed to laugh and be like just kidding!!

  9. creeeeper... just ignore him, he's just another horny teenager..

  10. You shouldn't have led him on.  Guys at that age are only looking for a piece of ***.  They don't care about you, they don't love you, but they'll tell you anything to get their way.  Some are exceptions and are way more mature but the fact that this guy showed up at your house the next morning tells you his intentions.  If he brings it up tell him that you were kidding around and thought he was too.

  11. This guy was obviously serious and would only want s*x from you and would move on and probably not talk to you again if you gave it to him.  You probably shouldn't have said you would go along with it.  Just explain to him you thought he was joking the whole time, and you are too young to even think about doing something like that.  And there are a lot of risks involved like diseases and pregnancy.

  12. If a guy says he wants to have s*x with you; he means it.

    Don't lead guys on.  You could end up in some really bad situations.

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