
What does it mean when i have prophetic dreams?

by  |  earlier

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are they just a fluke or is there some sort of signifigance? i keep having dreams like - the other day i dreamed that my dad would bring me a choclate ice cream when he came from work and the very next day he did - i even go the brand right in my dream. then i dreamed correctly what my teacher's ourfitt would be the next day and i dreamed that my sister would get mono and she did a week later. or i will dream about situations from the next day but its never anything really signifigant or important and the dreams show me very short lived images. this just started happenining after christmas




  1. I believe that dreams can be premonitions and not EVERYTHING you think or dream has to be a others suggest. Wouldn't that be AWFUL..if EVERYTHING you thought or dreamed happened in the future??  Write down what you dream and if it happens..then you have proof. I did this..and it did happen..but the person hadn't been paying attention to what they were saying and didn't see the connection..even though I underlined it at the time that it happened. I think they might have been psychic & didn't know it...or was trying to hide it.

  2. It has been written in a few books that I have read that this prophetic dreaming, no matter how insignificant, is perhaps a reminder that we are on course for the way we have pre-written our plans out. It is just a gentle way of saying, you are exactly where you are supposed to be at this time.

  3. i think you're freaking lucky. i had a thought one day that someone would die very soon and the next day i saw a plane crash and the pilot died.

    it sucks. i hate that premonition c**p.

  4. did you except jesus rencently or it could be 17 to 23 is the time wiccans reach a magical  age and they devlop powers are you could be a pyscic or medium coming into powers

  5. ok i believe everything can be explain normaly quick question... what was ur teacher wearing before you went to sleep and do you aften dream about ice cream

    if ur like me then the answer is how should i no and yes respectivly i suspect the teacher wore the same outfit the day before or last week at some point and it is now clean again

    and the ice cream is just a co-incidance...

    if you like try finding things in your dreams that DONT happen!!! for someone who's truly a profit that would be dam near impossible

  6. Hello

    A precognative dream is a sign of your natural psychic ability awakening.


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