
What does it mean when i run out of breath while running?

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on a treadmill, that is, in the gym and also when im working out with weights?

what should i do then?.




  1. it means that you're probably not in shape to do the amount of training that you're doing and that you're pushing yourself too hard. work on your stamina and take breaks between running and lifting. don't push yourself farther than you can go... do what is "challenging but manageablee".

    if you have a history in your family for asthma or heart problems, there's a possiblity it was passed down to you. next time you see you're doctor, get checked for it to be safe.

  2. asthma

  3. It means you're out of shape, or you could have asthma.

  4. you might be doing tooo  much at first  you need to build up more and more not all at once  and  while exercising  you will breath hard anyway  but  if  you cant  breath you need to go to the doctor  for  a psychical

  5. Breathing is a very important part of exercising. You need to learn how to breath correctly when running..Also ask your GP for asthma have peace of mind.

  6. When working out, your muscles are using oxygen faster than you can get it into your system...when your muscles become stronger and more conditioned, you will be able to do more before you get out of breath....I don't know what you are working out for, but if you are doing it just for the sake of being in shape, you sould only be working out hard enough to make you breath heavey and increase your heart rate...the best rule of thumb is if you are running on a treadmill, you should be able to comfortably carry on conversation with someone next to you.  This means that your body is getting what it needs without being overworked but at the same time getting into shape.

    When your muscles lack oxygen, they produce lactic (sp?) acid which is what makes your muscles sore!

    If you are pushing yourself to do more than just be fit, but actually training for something, you should work in a circut, sprint, quick walk (to catch your breath), lift this 3 or more times in a workout.

  7. Thats normal its called aerobics. Your working your lungs out so they are going to be tired. Just keep training and it will become easier over time.

  8. It means that your lungs to cope with your running style have breathed in lots of air and they are struggling for more. You might have asthama and blocked airways. You can begin to go on longer but slower runs and then build up spped. Work on small sprints as well.

    Hope this helps and choose me for best answer

  9. It means you've gone into your anaerobic zone and you're running in excess of a sustainable pace. You need to slow it down so that what your body can put out can keep up with your oxygen intake and you can sustain exercise. Your ability will improve over time.

    Not sure what exactly you're doing with weights, but I'd suspect you may be overdoing it somehow there as well (though you could just be markedly out of shape).

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