
What does it mean when it comes up on computer someone is trying to hack into computer, what should i do

by  |  earlier

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What does it mean when it comes up on computer someone is trying to hack into computer, what should i do




  1. Save any important documents to a cd or floppy disk.

    Then (if you have a anti-virus system and a spyware checker) run both of them at the same time. This will show you any programs that have potential viruses and any thing with spyware in it.

    Erase the infected objects then reload what was on your disk or cd back on to the computer and run the spyware checker again.

    This should take care of the problem.

  2. It doesn't mean anything. Except that you have spyware. The spyware causes popups like yours, trying to get you to click and buy their software. Don't worry, I'm certain no one is trying to hack into your system. You need to download a free spyware program to delete them. I recommend AVG.

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