
What does it mean when it says "This note is legal tender For all debts, public and private"?

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I was looking at this $5 bill and I wondered what the "Private" part of debts meant, any ideas?




  1. If i owe you money , i can pay you with this and our debt is legally settled.  In the old days,  no one knew who had printed what.  They only trusted gold and silver, not a piece of worthless paper.

  2. There are two types of debt.   Public debt is better known today as government debt.  That is what the government owes.  

    Private debt is all other debt.  What you owe a business; what one business owes another business; or what one individual owes another individual.

  3. If I owed money to you, or you to me.

    Between you and me is private.

  4. Personal debts between friends and associates.

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