
What does it mean when it says ref:1 on your prescription?

by  |  earlier

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does that mean that when it finishes i get a free refil




  1. 1 refill...not free refill

  2. It's one refill that you have to pay for.  The question is, must you get the refill?  If the problem is fixed, call your doctor.  If you need more refills later, have the pharmacy call your doctor. :)

  3. i dont think its free but it means that the doctor is allowing you to have another refil

  4. Doctors put this on your prescription when they expect that you will need more than 1 course of the medication prescribed allowing you to go back and buy a second course when the first is finished with out having to go back to the doctor for another prescription.  Not for free.

  5. No it is the direction to the pharmacist by the doctor that you may refill the prescription one time.  Most chronic medications for disorders such as high blood pressure are directed by the doctor for five (5) refills.  Oh,  you pay for the medication upon each refill.  If there is a chance that one refill will not give you adequate relief from your medical complaints, then you should schedule back to the doctor for another refill.  Do that before the second bottle or the refill is about to expire.  It is a gamble to wait until supply of the medication is exhausted.  The doctor may be set for a vacation when you finally get back to the office.  Just want to alert you to the dangers of being too casual with a drug that is important to your function.  

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