
What does it mean when juice is 100% pure but "From Concentrate" ?

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What does it mean when juice is 100% pure but "From Concentrate" ?




  1. its been reconstituted with water.

    The best juice to get is 'not from concentrate' that is pure juice with less preservatives and other rubbish added.

  2. its not realy 100% pure they just say that

  3. It may have been 100% pure to start with but not now.

  4. It was imported in powder form, and then reconstituted later. Saves import costs, but any nurishment is probably fortified.

  5. It means that whole oranges have been ground/minced and then lots of water content has been removed (that's the concentrating part) which makes it easy to transport.  Once the concentrate has arrived to the point where it's going to be packed and distributed, water is added to rehydrate the concentrate.

    It's an inferior version of a properly squeezed orange juice, where only the juice is used. You'll notice that OJ from concentrate has a bitter taste due to the fact that they also use the pith and the pips.

  6. It means that they want you to think about how much money you wasted on that c**p. "Concentrate" is a term that they use to say, "Our (throw in the name of a fruit or vegetable)s were picked from the finest orchards in Central America, where everything is pure, but occasionally, we find some that are battered and bruised and smell kind of funny, so we take them, squish them up, and put them in a carton for idiots like you to drink."

  7. As an Ex employee of Gerber foods (one of the biggest producers of cartoned juice in the country), where my job was to reconstitute the concentrated juice, I can answer this with ease. It is pure juice, and is imported after it has been concentrated, this involves the fruit being pressed to get the juice out, then heated to reduce it (as you would in cooking) this then becomes a very thick liquid (almost treacle like), then when it comes here, the concentrate is mixed with water in great big mixing machines to the correct level of water to concentrate, it is sent through a pasturizing system and cartoned. and Hey Presto!, pure juice made from concentrate! as a foot note: any think that is discribed as for example 'Orange Drink' must have at least a percentage of orange juice, which would be reconstuted from concentrate, but if it says 'Oranged flavoured drink' it doesn't have to contain any orange at all, just flavouring!

  8. Mash up an orrange, extract all the water so you are left with a powder. put it in a box, fly it to the U.K mix the powder with water and hey presto - orrange juice from concentrate.

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