
What does it mean when my 2 year old all of a sudden(the past week) has been bruising really easily? ?

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And the daycare says he keeps falling and bruising more then he ever has and there are bruises everywhere. They also told me it looks like he has circles under his eyes, but I think thats just when he wakes up from a nap or from bed. Please let me know what you think.




  1. Could just be a phase he is going through.  Clumsiness as it were.

    Are there any other indicators of something being wrong?  Fever, chills, sweats, frequent illnesses, fatigue?

  2. if hes on meds it may be causing his blood to thin, it could also be a more series disease so id talk to your doc

  3. Have you checked his shoes recently? Could he have outgrown his shoes  causing him to stumble and fall more. Has he had a cold or allergies? If he has could he have an ear infection. That would cause his balance to be  off.  Has he just started daycare recently? Could it  be the big change in routine causing any of this.   OK I read  the post wrong.  Have you had his iron count checked? Maybe you should have a doctor look at him and see if there is a problem with his clotting factor. It might be too slow if he is bruising so easily as you state.  Also bruising under the eyes could be a late sign of a head injury but if it only there during certain times I would not be so concerned. Finger marks on his arm I be more worried that your child is being hurt by someone in his daycare. I would never want to see finger mark on my child if they were in daycare. What excuse did they give you for the marks? Were they from another child or were they the size of an adults? Even if the adults claim that they grabbed him to prevent something they still grabbed way to hard if they left marks.  Unless he really does have a problem with bruising.

  4. toddlers at that age are very clumsy and very curious, the combination usually means they are going to have lots of bumps and bruises.

  5. cooooooooome on...he's 2?!!!! my nephew legs look like my brother beats him. its because the kid is crazy and jumps and bangs on everything. I don't think you should worry to much. It really is normal

  6. lack of iron. Feed him some protein.

  7. Take him to the doctor. It's a good chance that he is just being more active, but let the pros tell you that.  

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