
What does it mean when my mom says my brothers' "biological clock is ticking??"?

by  |  earlier

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  1. Means it is time to..... either get married, or have babies etc.

    because everything has its own time.

  2. Lisa is a man or a woman get older it is harder for them to  make or conceive a child

  3. He needs to have kids

  4. It means she is alittle confused because when referred to a woman it means her eggs - for making babies - are getting of less quality = less chance of making grand babies but for men that isnt an issue as they make new sperm everyday so they always have "high quality" baby making equip.!

  5. It means he's getting older. Generally this is said to women (as they age they approach menopause and then they will no longer be fertile)...maybe she means it's time to become a father?

  6. Maybe she is refering to his age in the sense that he should be ready to have children. Or maybe shes refering to her grandmothers biological clock and her wanting grandchildren.

  7. biological clock= fertility time (good age gap to get pregnant, which is between late 20s into mid-late 30s)

    When someone says my biological clock is ticking, it means that they're fertility time is running out and that they're not getting any younger.

  8. Biological Clock usually refers to the window of opportunity one is able to reproduce. By saying it's "ticking," she means that he isn't getting any younger.

  9. I guess it means

    time's going by quickly..

    i'm totally guessing here.

  10. It means the exact same thing as when you are referring to a woman. In a woman's case she is running out of eggs, while in a man's case it is more of a mental thing. And your sperm quality probably does go down with age. I remember learning that quite a few birth defects are more likely when the father is over 40.

  11. I'm thinking she's saying time is going by fast for him.  Possibly....

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