
What does it mean when older men keep saying this to me?

by  |  earlier

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Way more than once an older man has made a reference to my "boyfriend". I don't get it? Just random guys like a helper at a carnival, my dentist, the guy behind the counter at the mall ect... it goes like this:

(in candy store at mall)

me: and can i get this? *picks up piece of candy*

guy: sure thing. (guy is maybe 55, Indian, happy looking.) Getting it for your boyfriend? *smiles*

me: uh, *haha* *smile* I don't...

my friend: *confused look* she doesn't have one *smile, raised eyebrows*

guy: *grin* here you go. *hands change*

me: thanks... *smile*

Is it a joke 'cause I don't get it, and they do this all the time! They seem just like nice old guys and i know my dentist is really cool but can someone please explain why they say this?




  1. They think they are being funny.  But they are wrong.  

  2. That's dirty old man talk, they mean nothing by it.  I'm sure it's like small talk, how's the weather, having a nice day, is this for your boyfriend? It's ingrained in their psyche!  Next time say "No, it's for my son!"  

  3. The older guy is probably trying to see if you've got a boyfriend.  You must be attractive.

  4. your in heat,

    are you wearing any perfume or deoderant hairspray?

  5. Oh P-a-leeeease! Get over yourself.

  6. it does not mean anything.... just being nice

  7. They are trying to see if you are single.  You should answer back "No, for my lover Julia"

  8. You're probably pretty enough to attract older men.

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