
What does it mean when people flash their head lights at you?

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So many times I have been driving down the road and some one coming towards me flashes their lights at me. Sometimes once, sometimes twice. I used to think that it meant there was a cop in my direction and they were warning me. Someone told me it was a gang thing?? But I am definitely not gang type! And the people are just average looking people most of the time.... So, does anyone have any idea why people do this?? I can't figure it out!




  1. Cops are ahead or your head lights aren't on.

  2. Either there is a cop down the road, you have your high-beams(brights) on, they are messin w-you or warning you of some other danger in the road, ie animals or children etc

  3. There are only a few things I can think of.  I'll list them from most common to least common.

    1. You're driving without your headlights on.

    2. You're driving with your brights on.

    3. There is a cop sitting down the road.

    4. They like your b***s and wanna meet them.

    5. It is an initiation gang member who has to flash people with his brights and chase down and kill the first person who flashes him back.  This isn't too likely.

    Hope this helps!

  4. Acording to the highway code it has the same meaning as sounding the horn, i.e. a warning to other road users of their presence and no other meaning. If you choose to interpret it differnently then it is at your own risk.

  5. They could be doing this to tell you that you have your bright lights on and you are blinding them. I have a couple of friends who their headlights are just really bright and their bright lights aren't even on. People will get mad and flash their lights at them thinking they are driving w/ their bright lights on. It sucks when a person is driving only to have someone behind you or in front of you blinding you w/ their lights. Also when we lived out in the country we of course drove w/ our bright lights on,  but when we saw a oncoming car we'd turn off the brights, use our regular ones and once the car passed we'd turn them back on. You need your bright lights on especially in those dark, small roads. I have been told that yes you will get a i suppose 'courtesy' flash to let you know that there is  a cop up ahead and to warn you to slow down. As for the gang thing I've heard of that a long time ago and I thought it has stopped. I'd be careful though, you just never know.

  6. 1. There are cops ahead and they have a speed cam.

    2. Your brights are on.

    3. Theres a hazard ahead. i.e. Animals on the road, an accident, etc. Anything that might be of danger to you

  7. It usually means you have your high beams on or your headlights are out of alignment and hurting their eyes, or maybe it is dark and you forgot to turn your headlights on.  Perhaps one of your headlights is burned out and needs replaced.

  8. I always thought i was a watch out for cops with speed cameras cos theyve been past one that is in front of you

  9. In India, it means "Get outta the way!"

    Abroad, it means "after you".

    but from what you say, maybe your lights aren't working, or there's some problem with your car that they're trying to point out...

  10. They most likely are flashing their lights at  you  because

    you probably have your high beams on and you are blinding them. If a police officer does that and you don't dim your

    lights you can be stopped an given a ticket.  Kapesh ??

  11. 1. com near by

    2. headlighs not on

    3.highbeams on

    4 me

  12. -driving on the wrong side of the road

    -entered the exit side of the motor way

    -are driving with no headlights on at night

    -your driving a stolen vehicle

    -there is a cow in the middle of the road ahead

    -you forgot your friend that's running very fast behind you

    -suggestive signal - lets pull over and.......

    All in good humour,


  13. it has nothing to do with cops, this i know because i have family members who are in law enforcement.  It is the way that you try to notify someone that they have their lights on high beams, back in my day that was a courtesy from one driver to another to let you know they're light need to be checked.

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