
What does it mean when people say "you are just lying to yourself"?

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For example, Bob was an activist in his student days who believed corporations are evil and exploitative of poor people by forcing third world factory workers to work for less than minimum wage. He actively rallied for similar causes and dreams of working for a non-profit organization that would help end poverty.

A year after graduation we find Bob working for a corporation to make ends meet. He no longer says that corporations are exploitative and instead says that they actually provide opportunity to those third world factory workers who otherwise would be unemployed.

Is Bob lying to himself or did he merely experience a change in perspective?




  1. When someone 'lies to themselves' that means they are rationalizing an experience so what they're doing doesn't seem to low down or bad.  A lot times, this happens when someone buys a new tv for the 'family' but it ends up in his/her bedroom instead.  They tell themselves that the money was well spent because the 'family' gets something out of it, but in reality that's not the case.

  2. The phrase often means that someone is making them self believe something that is not true, just because they wish it were so.

  3. Both - corporations are exploiting by paying less than minimum wage while at the same time, employees in third world countries wouldn't otherwise have an opportunity to earn even this level of a living.  It would almost be a win-win situation IF they were paid at least minimum wage - but it remains exploitative because they aren't.

  4. The phrase often means that someone is making themselves believe something that is not true, just because they wish it was.

    leaving it to imagination..they actualy start to think IT exists although it's doesn't....take for example anorexics..they think they are fat! they are not fat but because they believe they are fat they start seeing themselves that way and millions of other examples.

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