
What does it mean when people such as Angela Merkel say that Turkey should have a "Privileged Partnership"....

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with the EU, but not be a full member?




  1. It probably means the eventual use of the Euro in Turkey, but not the same work/immigration privileges as other countries.  Basically, the EU wants an easier time getting inside the Turkish market, without having to accept the Turks themselves.

  2. There are members of he EU and there are partners of the EU and there are Privileged Partners. Priv Partners have more rights like in trade, in development, in travel, in science, in so many areas. The EU is currently seeking a privileged partnership with countries like Japan or China. In the case of Turkey however the EU has dug itself into a big hole. They promised to let Turkey into the EU as a full member and later came to regret that decision and are now facing the dilemma as how to tell Turkey "no" without either side losing face completely. So they came up with offering Turkey the Privileged Partnership.

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