
What does it mean when....????

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you break your shoe??

Earlier today I went to my mom's job and my shoe broke.

Later on she went to get some coffee and her's broke too.

Do you think its a mere coincidence or it means something.

Like when your left hand itches, your going to recieve money.

So does it mean anything??




  1. Jim the Fee, here.

    Charles Fort expended many years of his very brief life in trying to find the "hidden meanings" of thousands of diverse kinds of happenings.

    He would have loved to see your question and would have placed your "Hapinstance" into one of this thousands of


    You, also, can spend some time trying to conjure up somekind of "hidden meaning" in the almost simultaneous

    "breaking" of your and your mother's shoes.  It was just

    a circumstance my dear.


    Jim the Fee

  2. Beside quality issue, those may indicate that both of you are too aggressive and should think about soft approach to problems. Mind that you would loss your support.

  3. It means you & your mom both need to buy better shoes.

    The world is full of coincidences.  We humans are evolved to see patterns everywhere, and as a result we can easily confuse coincidence with providence.  There's also a phenomenon called "confirmation bias" which means we tend to remember things that stand out while forgetting those that don't, thus creating an illusion that there is something going on when really there isn't.

  4. If you both got the same cheap shoes on the same day or atleast week then that might explain it.

  5. Did you guys have the same type of shoes? Some shoes are really cheap and break easily.

  6. i think it means you buy crappy shoes lol but its ok just try to make a better investment in shoes

  7. you need new shoes

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