
What does it mean when someone "passes out" when drunk?

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is it just like sleeping?

do you just some who passed out sleep there?




  1. It means your body can't process any more alcohol. It looks like sleep but the person may black out and not remember anything in the morning. If a person is passed out, its usually not cause for alarm but I would check their breathing from time to time and make sure they aren't puking. Make sure they sleep on their stomach so they can't choke. Sounds gross but friends take care of passed out friends!

  2. It is not a good thing.To much to drink.I know someone who died that need to keep that person sitting up so they don't choke on their vomit

  3. You're asleep but pretty much unconscious, kinda hard to wake up. if it happens to somebody you're better off leaveing them be unless its somewhere dangerous or if it look like somebody is going to fall down or about to fall asleep get them to fresh air and water

  4. For some reason beyond my knowledge people get tired when drunk, even if it's at 7 in the morning. That's why most people who fall asleep at the wheel are drunk.

  5. it means you get to write on their face with magic marker

  6. basically it's when someone has had wayyy too much to drink and falls into a really deep sleep that's hard to wake them up from. obviously, it's not good for you and it could be deadly potentially but alot of these people are overreacting i've passed out when drunk many times and i just woke up with a hangover the next day, no hospital visits

  7. its when the body shuts down from too much

  8. It is called alcohol poisoning. Which is silly, because alcohol is a poison so well, duh?

    The depressant effect slows the brain to the point it can no longer function and it shuts of higher functions first, thinking, reasoning, speech, hearing, balance , muscle coordination etc.

    If it shuts down the lower functions of the brain, like breathing then your "passed out" is now dying.  The heart will eventually shut down due to a lack of oxygen.

    So, yah. Just leave them there so you know where the body will be in the morning. Or get them some help, your call.

  9. haha - been there, done that

    passing out is like the deepest sleep ever! its when you drank so much that your body is SO tired and worn out and you cant possibly function anymore

    and yes, ppl usually forget a lot when they drink that much, and "pass the F out"....hopefully hey didnt drink so much that they dont wake up.... but if your lucky enough to wake up in the morning, you usually end up asking "wtf did i do last night??"

    hope this helps

    PS i do not recommend drinking that much

  10. I've never seen anyone actually pass out from drinking so I'm not really sure. Whenever I drink too much, I get tired of everything spinning after a while so I fall asleep...I have no idea if you would call that passing out or not...I guess it just depends on how much they drink.

  11. it means they drank way to much and might never wake up again if this ever happens get a doctor fast idk not old enough to drink

  12. it means its your chance to get some ***!

  13. You drank too much alcohol

  14. i am a drinker and i pass out alot.basically i just get so wasted that i fall asleep and cant be woken up,i could sleep through a world war.somtimes people pass out at the wrong time like at the bar or on the toilette,just depends

  15. Number one if they are that far gone you must put them on thier side in case they vomit. You dont want them to choke on it. Second, check thier pulse, and if after an hour they are not waking up, thier color is bad, go to the ER ASAP. It means they are in liver failure and must be seen and treated for alcohol poisoning. Its no game, its deadly. People die from this. Forget about mom and dad yelling at you, or going past curfew. This is one of those times you do what you must to save a life. never let a person who has been drinking drive or operate anything mechanical. He puts himself and others at risk, violates the law. Its not cute or funny to be drunk, it means you over did it, and your body can't deal with the outcome. If you ever get like this ask for help, call someone to come get you, take you home, to a hospital. You can go from drunk to dead quickly then its too late. Anyone who tells you to leave him alone, or dont get involved, makes you as guilty as the person who served him. By law, after the diana incident, its a crime to walk away from anyone in need of medical attention. Call 911, the police  and get them help. Its the right thing to do.

  16. Means they drank too much and if they drank WAY, WAY too much it could kill them!

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