
What does it mean when someone says: Im an early bird by choice?

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What does it mean when someone says: Im an early bird by choice?




  1. It means that by choice they choose to do what they do, beyond being an "early bird" and waking up early. They choose to wake up early because they enjoy life and make the best out of everything, they dont wanna miss one hour of the day.

  2. An early bird is someone who gets to a place or does things early or before others. By choice= means they are con sciously making the decision to do that. For example: if you see someone arrive early & you say something to them & they tell you they had an appoitment in the neighbor so instead of sitting in the car & freezing or roasting they came in early it wouldn't be by choice but they felt forced to do it.

  3. they choose to wake up early.

  4. It means that the person likes getting up early in the morning.

  5. I think it means you like to wake up early. (just a wild guess)

  6. That he/she wakes up early..and indirectly saying that they aren't lazy!

  7. That the person chooses to rise early...

  8. They like to wake up early in the morning

  9. it means that by choice they are early birds

  10. it means they wake up early because they like to, not because they are forced to

  11. They wake up early because they want to.

  12. I think it means, They decided to arrive at their destination a little earlier than most people.

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