
What does it mean when someone says no religion, I'm spiritual?

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i'm just curious- what do you think it means?




  1. sounds like buddhism!

    thats what buddha said:)

  2. it means that the take whatever

    ingredients from other religions they like

    (past Life) (angels) (numerology)

    and whatever and bake up their own religion

    most of these seem half baked to me

  3. Religion is for those who fear h**l, Spirituality is for those who have been there...

  4. It means they believe in God but are sick of organised religion and it's tactics!

  5. It means that they're too lazy and/or boring to be religious but too traditional and/or frightened to be athiests.  

  6. i take it to mean they believe in god, but not organized religion.  

  7. Well to me it means, to let the spirit guide you not man.

  8. I believe we are one with the universe, that all life is connected and that is the at the heart of being spiritual.

  9. I think, he says no to organized religion, but yes to higher powers of a formless, existential, unknown universal Awareness or Consciousness.

  10. I would say if 'they' are not Born Again, then 'they' are in reality, just agnostic.

  11. I think it means they think about their lives, about the world, about their relationship with the world and with other people.  That's what I understand by spirituality.

  12. It means they're afraid of death and want to believe that their "soul" will survive their physical death, but they don't buy into religious c**p like gods and Jesus and churches.

  13. They want to paint themselves as holy or spiritual, but they don't want any of the pain or sacrifice for being such.

    So, in other words, they are atheists using fancy new age gaga.  

  14. maybe it means that he or she can decide about the way by which he or she get near to GOD but religion is a master plane which is proved by holy profits and GOD. WHIT OUT the master plane there is the danger of loss on the way we go toward GOD.

  15. It can mean you don't follow a specific religion, but you believe in certain things that are spiritual. Like i believe in karma, but i'm not buddhist. And i believe in Jesus (he lived around the same time as Julius Cesar), but i don't believe in god.

    Basically, it means you don't follow a religion, but you believe in some religion related things.  

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