
What does it mean when someone says "uh" a ton in a conversation with you?

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Does it mean they are bored, nervous or just tired?




  1. Sometimes I think it's because they think really slow.

  2. They are either 'ignorant' or 'totally bored' which is very, very rude. I can't think of any reason for those sorts of exhortations. Peace!

  3. From my experience talking to people it seems like they are just trying to form their sentences in the way they would like.

  4. They are bored or have nothing to say. XD I do that all the time.

  5. it just means they dont know what to say.  they could be nervous if they dont know the answer to a question or if they are shy or something.  but for the most part, look at the context of the conversation.  if they are pretty friendly/chatty and then says uh it must be because they are thinking for a minute to tell you something.  its not a big deal

  6. they like you

  7. Choosing words carefully.

  8. in some cases it means that they are looking for the right words to use.  

  9. The same thing as  "EH" means when a Canadian is speaking. It is a trained reflex in our speech patterns that becomes habitual. The habit can be broken if someone thinks about it and practices proper speech.    

  10. it could mean all of those things but maybe they just have bad communication skills.  or it could just be a habit.  typically just a habit.

    ever noticed in school when somebody talks in front of the class and they say "ummm" a lot?  same type deal.  

  11. they are either stupid or lying

  12. That they are incapable of stringing together a comprehensible semantically correct sentence structure.  

  13. It means they don't know/thinking of what to say.

  14. I actually saw a study that was done on this type of thing. It said that people often use "filler" words such as "um" and "uh" without even thinking about it, because they are trying to "stall" and formulate what they're trying to say in their mind. It doesn't mean they're bored or tired or anything, but it may mean they're nervous. When you're nervous your thought process becomes kind of muddled, and you need these filler words to fill the spaces in your sentences while you think of what to say next.

  15. I say uh a ton when I'm giving a speech to a room full of people because I'm nervous as heck. Maybe that's why the person does that to you, they are probably shy and isolated but they are putting forth an effort to break from that, but they stutter and say uh too much. Either that, or maybe you too have nothing in common and they are stumbling around in awkwardness trying to get a steady flow of conversation going and they are failing miserably. Maybe the person likes you and it's making them nervous therefore they can't think or talk straight making them say uh all the time. I don't know, it could mean soooo many different things.  

  16. it either there confused or unfourtunatley they dont want to talk to you

  17. they are nervous.

  18. stalling

  19. it doesn't mean they're bored, it's just sort of a staling thing i just use it when i don't really know or have anything to say. i use it a TON around everyone i know. and yes, it can be a result of nervousness. if you're giving a presentation in class, etc. you can just start stuttering and saying uh and um a lot. i do it so much!

    it can mean they're tired too, when i'm really dreary i can just be like 'uhh, yeah, cool' sometimes. or when i'm distracted, i'm just like 'uhh okay catch you later".

    honestly, people use uh a lot in everyday conversations so it doesn't have a single meaning. sometimes it can be easy to tell what they mean, sometimes it's harder. i say uh a lot when talking to someone i like a lot, or giving a presentation and being nervous, when asked a question in class or about myself, etc.

  20. it's a bad habit and can be very annoying.  they take their time organizing their thoughts before answering, either because they are slow thinkers or careful thinkers.  

  21. It means they are too stupid to have a conversation.

  22. that they are nervous or maybe a little out of it

  23. It could mean anything I just usually assume that they are thinking of something to say.  

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