
What does it mean when someone says someone is "obviously g*y?"?

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I've heard people refer to others as "obviously g*y"...what does that mean? If they're not decked out in rainbows, how is someone obviously g*y? For example, I saw some interview on t.v. about Kate Moennig and my mom said, "Oh, she's so obviously g*y."

Can anyone clarify on that for me? Even if a girl dressed exactly like a guy, I wouldn't automatically assume she was g*y. Yeah, it would cross my mind, but it wouldn't mean anything unless she said so...




  1. Playground talk and they need to grow up.

  2. it means they obviosuly got no clue wat theyre talkin abt and theyre basing a person's sexual orientation based on their apprearance ...which is a stupid way to identity sexual orientation.

    i dont believe in gaydar either.

  3. you are so ahead of the curve......the g*y and L*****n community LOVES stereotypes......straight people are doing there own thing and are pretty wrapped up in each other (which is fine...because I really don't care much....)

    With Kate have to realize her market of lesbians...she is an actress and can throw the vibe at the drop of hat.

    When I want a woman to know I'm g*y.......I will give her the look......its a vibe...a combination of look/intensity/body language.....straight or g*y.  

  4. i dont really think a straight person can know someone is 'obviously g*y'. simply because theyre not g*y, so they dont know the signals, vibes, and such other g**s send off, they cant understand them really. i know when people see a guy waiter that has a sweet voice and, calls you sweetie, and has his own walk, they say he is 'obviously g*y' but really thats just steriotypes, i mean maybe that how they are.

    i cant explain it all that well through typing, im better speaking, but thats my way of putting it.

  5. Idk. Everyone says that about Kate Moennig. I have plenty of straight friends that don't dress up all girly-girl. Its just stereotypes

  6. first-love your avatar pic i <3 Tegan (at least I think thats Tegan lol.)

    basicly its just a steriotypocal bullshit and it doesnt help that Kate plays a lot of roles where she is a L*****n..and she's a believable actress :)

    also some people have over-active gaydar or...wishfull thinking lol

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