
What does it mean when someone tells me I taste like...dragonfruit??

by  |  earlier

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A guy once told me that after a little closer.

Guess that's a good I guess I'll take that as a compliment lol.

Any thoughts?? :)




  1. That's good.  I read yesterday in cosmo that if you eat alot of fruit, you taste sweeter down south, and garlic and oinions may make you smell or taste funky.  Good to know.

  2. WHATEVER  i have thoughts but can't share on here later

  3. Doesn't sound very complimentary to me.

  4. Ummm I would have preferred "passionfruit" lol

  5. He is telling you that you taste like a dragon's v****a.

  6. Does dragonfruit taste good?  If so, then it's a compliment =P

  7. Of course it's good....I love that smell!!

  8. Dragon fruit is sweet so I guess you taste sweet----good for you!

  9. Id say hes a freak and run away sweetie

  10. I looked it up in Wikipedia.

    Well it is a fruit....I'm assuming it tastes sweet like most fruits...I guess it's good if that's what you taste like.  

  11. ooooooooooooookkkkkkkkkkkk

  12. creepy

  13. well dragonfruit tastes sort of like fruit punch.....its a compliment im guessing!

  14. WTF? Was he into World of Warcraft and BS like that. Sounds like something one of them nerds would say.  

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