
What does it mean when someone tries to bury a animal alive?

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first off I want to say I DID NOT do this okay but my friend told that her little cousin had tired to bury their dog alive. I know the cousin does meds for depression and other things I just wanted to know should she seek for help.




  1. that she needs someoen to bury her :)

  2. you or this supossed cousin are very sick and need whatever meds the dr says to take.

  3. A few years ago, I thought my cat passed on after he had a seizure. No pulse no nothing. I started to bury him in my back lawn when all the sudden he sprang to life. Maybe your cousin was doing the same. I'm no serial killer, and your cousin isnt either. Its all a big misunderstanding.

  4. it's not normal.  period.

    there's nothing normal about it.

    children are supposed to love animals and want to nurture them, not bury them alive.

    when children start off by torturing animals early on in life they have a serious mental illness... usually... and this could possibly lead to a serial killer.  this is a proven fact.  this child needs serious help... if they can be helped at all.

  5. she really needs help. somethings bothering her, but medications alone wont help or solve her problems. talking to people might help her. try contacting therapists. if she dosent find help soon,she might try doing something more crazier than burying her dog alive.  

  6. How little is this little cousin? First of all it would take a lot of strength to dig a hole large enough to bury the animal. What was your friend and their little cousin doing at the time? What was the discussion? Perhaps someone told this little cousin that this little cousin was going to get they act it out...scary, or maybe they need to be redirected.  "oh no, not the dog...let's bury hidden secret treasures!" Work with the activity and don't try to analyze everything. The incident should have been discussed with the little cousin's custodian.

  7. As a person trying to get into law enforcement, I can't even try to tell you how many very very bad people started out by trying to hurt animals. I would do everything in your power to try and get this person some professional help.

  8. It is common knowledge among "gifted" people, that to bury an animal alive, is to activate a long forgotten ritual ancients used, as a summoning key, to invite the gates of IMMORTALITY, into their life.  The forces of evil will flood the very essence of the creature.

    Do not contest those that serve the dark lords and beyond.  Masters of this universe require cruel and wicked acts to get their attention.  Mortals do not understand the ways of the supernatural.

  9. she needs help.

  10. There's one thing I've learned and that is a lot of "serial killers" or "killers" start off by abusing animals.   Your friend needs pyschiatric help ASAP!

    My Father was in law enforcement for 35 yrs.

  11. The best suggestion is psychological treatment.  

  12. it depends on a person. why not ask her first.

    if she says that he want o kill a person but she is afraid that she might get into jail then i think it is the only way that she could kill something alive...

    if not or just for having fun then she is sick...

  13. She needs a LOT of help..

    cos thats just pure cruelty.

    What does she hope she will gain by doing this?

  14. That's a budding serial killer.

  15. the better question is, should YOU seek help for honestly having to ask yourself if she does?  

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