
What does it mean when the referee plays advantage?

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What does it mean when the referee plays advantage?




  1. When a team makes a mistake that should lead to a penalty, a free-kick or a scrum, and the opposition has or gets possession of the ball, the referee allows play to continue. The team in possession of the ball has to get tactical advantage or field position advantage. If they can't get that, the referee stops play and goes back to the original mistake. The team who didn't make the mistake gets the ball to restart play.

  2. As the man who commented in the first answer said the one who did not commit a foul will have the advantage and the referee uses discretion and sees what they do to turn it into there advantage.  It should last a short period of time depending on the referee of course.  If nothing happens then they go back to where the foul was committee and restart from there.

  3. I know this is in rugby, but if it is anything like calls in soccer.. advantage is called when the team who did NOT commit the foul has possesion or is moving in the direction of their goal.  Usually, the team will have to have possession.

  4. If one team commits a foul the referee does not have to blow the whistle if he thinks the other team could still gain an advantage.

    For example: if one team knocked the ball on and the other team picked up the ball and ran away for a try, the referee would let the try play instead of ordering a scum for the knock on. This is PLAYING ADVANTAGE.

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